AmpliTest Mycoplasma pneumoniae
(Real Time PCR)
Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a small, cell wall-deprived bacterium that is a pathogen causing atypical pneumonia and upper respiratory tract infections. It is estimated that Mycoplasma pneumoniae is responsible for more than 20% of all lung inflammation (non-hospital). Diseases caused by this bacterium are most common in children and adolescents. In children up to 10 years of age, the incidence of mycoplasma pneumonia is 10 times higher than in the general population.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae is transmitted via droplet route. The infection risk is highest for children under 5, elderly, immunocompromised patients, patients during chemo- and immunotherapy, people suffering from pulmonary dissease or sickle cell anemia. The incubation period lasts about 2-3 weeks. The first symptoms are typical for upper respiratory tract infections: dry, exhaustive cough, headache, muscle pain and elevated temperature. Initially dry cough, passes over time in wet, with expectoration of purulent discharge. Sometimes infection can lead to impaired central nervous system function, renal dysfunction, hemolytic anemia, and myocardial damage.
AmpliTest Mycoplasma pneumoniae (Real Time PCR) test is designed to detect DNA sequences specific for bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae in DNA samples obtained from tissues or swabs taken from infected person. The Real Time PCR reaction is a duplex-type. Bacterial DNA is detected in the FAM channel. The second channel (HEX) serves for detection of the internal control. Controls included into the test (rekombinant DNAs) enable control of the correct course of the Real Time PCR reaction.