AmpliTest Influenzavirus B
(Real Time PCR)
Influenza B virus (Influenzavirus B) belongs to the Orthomyxoviridae family of viruses which has a genome built of 8 RNA segments. It is rarer than the type A virus and poses a risk to humans only. Its surface contains two protein polypeptides, haemagglutinin and neuraminidase. Haemagglutinin participates in the penetration of the virus into the host’s epithelial cells, while neuraminidase is responsible for releasing daughter viruses infecting further cells. Mutations in HA and NA coding genes result in the formation of the new strains of the virus; however, the genetic material is diversified less often than in the type A virus. The influenza B virus is not capable of reassortment, that is, the exchange of RNA segments between two viruses attacking one cell.
The B type virus (like the other types of the virus) attacks the upper and lower respiratory tract, while the disease is severe with a high body temperature, dry cough or bone and joint pain. The type of a virus that caused infection can only be distinguished in specialist tests.
AmpliTest Influenzavirus B (Real Time PCR) test is based on one-step Real Time PCR reaction. Thus, the reactions of reverse transciption and PCR take place in one reaction tube. This approach ensures less amount of manipulations necessary for analysis, and thus minimalizes the risk of possible contamination. The Real Time PCR reaction is a duplex type. FAM channel serves for detection of the viral RNA. The second channel (HEX) is used for detection of the internal control. Controls included into test (recombinant RNAs) enable control of the correct course of both reverse transcription and Real Time PCR reactions.